Wednesday, June 29, 2011

June 29, 2011

I saw this cute recipe for jazzing up our super simple summer lunches and jumped on it.
Unbeknownst to me, this little guy had just checked out a book called "The Octopus."
I wish I could have captured his surprised face when I set his meal in front of him.
I wasn't ready for it, but he proceeded to grab his book to show me what he had been reading the night before.
I snapped my picture then.
The resemblance between the hot dog and the octopus is striking, isn't it?
Totally fun food for little hands!!
A side note:  As much as I am not looking forward to the start of school. . .yet,
I have big plans in the month of September--one in which includes attending my first blogging conference. Blog Sugar.
I have no idea what to expect.
What I do know is that the list of women putting it together inspire me.
I like perusing their blogs.  I learn some. I craft some. I read a lot.
I'm new to this whole blog thing.
I really had no plan of writing--just taking pictures.
But I like to talk--a lot. So the words just naturally needed to be said.
Pictures needed to be explained.
Memories needed to be recorded.
Sometimes questions needed to be asked.
So here I am--headed to Blog Sugar and excited to meet some fellow bloggers,
excited to see what message I bring home with me.
Generally excited to see what is in store!!!


  1. Yummy my favorite Mac and Cheese with Hot Dogs!!!

  2. AWESOME idea!!! What a clever mama!

    Can't wait to meet you at Blog Sugar!!!

  3. Yeah! so excited to meet you!
    we have a lot in common!

  4. fun lunch idea!

    your kiddos are darling.

    see you at blog sugar!


Thanks for stopping by! I would love to hear what you have to say: ) May blessings abound always!!