Thursday, June 30, 2011

June 30, 2011

 The cowgirl boots are a hit.  They even light up!
 Problem is. . .they are a little heavy for her to walk well in.  
She actually fell against the changing table, poor baby. 
It slowed her down for awhile and made her sit down in awe of the awesomeness on her feet.
She continued to stay there for quite some time.
So much time, in fact I wasn't there with camera in hand to capture her on her feet.
That's odd.  Story of my life these days.  Two minutes too late.


  1. Priceless pictures; way cute little one.
    I love boots on little children.
    Blessings to you!
    Living Waters by LeAnn

  2. Such a sweet post. I love seeing little ones in boots. I can't wait to meet you at Blog Sugar!

  3. Oh, so cute! I love the boots!


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