Saturday, July 16, 2011

July 16, 2011

 This little guy, my love bug, my most sensitive heart has been acting out lately.

He isn't as quick to obey as he used to be.
He reacts to spats with his sister quickly and in anger.
He just has been coming into his own and for lack of better words: it sucks.

I am trying to be patient with him.
I'm trying to figure out where it's coming from.
I tried this week to make our time special because he didn't have his older sister around to give her two cents.
But it's hard when I'm missing the good boy he is capable of being.
 "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it"  
Proverbs 22.6
I'm trying. . .Lord, you know my heart.  You know I am.
I will try harder.
I will work to be more consistent.
I will love him and speak gently even when I'm seriously frustrated and angry.
I will.  I will. I will. . .
because you have trusted me with him, and with You all things are possible.

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