Tuesday, July 19, 2011

July 19, 2011

Last week, my dear daughter attended a Little House on the Prairie themed camp sponsored by the Girl Scouts.
As much hard work as it must have been to live during those times, why do I feel like it was so simple?
She hiked, swam, made a rag doll, butter, jam, cornbread, a pony on a stick and a candle.  
She embroidered, sewed a pillow and had a great time!
I had purchased some material and lavendar to have her make sachets for Christmas presents, 
so we got started.  
How I wish I knew of a place for her to go to take sewing lessons--
because my hand sewing skills are very limited.

P.S. a sewing machine would have made this job so much easier.. .
that is, if I knew how to use one.
On second thought...maybe not.

Do they look to much like beanbags?

I think to be able to play an instrument, to sew, knit, or crochet is such a lost art in today's technologically advanced era.
Is it too late for me to learn such a craft?
Is it possible to teach myself?

Just wondering. . .


  1. you can do whatever you want! You're never too old to learn something new.

  2. I taught myself to crochet last year and to sew this year (bought a $35 yardsale machine). It is never too late! I found you over at needle and thREAD and here is my project: http://likemamalikedaughter.blogspot.com/2012/04/crafting-on-with-needle-and-thread.html

  3. I learned to sew as a child from my Mom but never really got into it. I am now just starting to sew again and teaching myself as I go! So many great tutorials out there...just do a search for what you want to learn!! That new technology can help us learn the old arts!!! Happy sewing!!

  4. Oh! It is certainly NEVER too late! Let me be your cheerleader in this! I suffered with major analysis paralysis and fear of failure when it came to learning how to sew. Somehow, I overcame it and learned to turn my machine on. Then I learned what a bobbin was and how to wind it, then how to thread my machine etc etc...Now after 2 years I'm sewing my first log cabin quilt and have made all sorts of things. (I wish I had more time to sew!) On my first Needle And ThREAD post, I link to my older post where I talk about my fear before I finally made the leap. Check it out! I hope it encourages you. If you have any questions are want to chat, please email me!

    P.S. Your daughter is adorable!

  5. It is never to late to learn these creative things, and your daughter is blessed that she is learning now so she won't have to catch up later (like me!)

    Square items are the way to go early on...pillows, etc.

    Thank you for sharing! Also, I love the "LOVE" artwork above. Love your name, too!

  6. Your daughter looks so proud of her sachet...and she should be, she did a great job. Incidentally, I am also sharing a sachet today.

    It is absolutely possible to teach yourself those skills by the way. I have taught myself to sew, knit, build furniture, bake bread, etc. It is great fun for me, and with all of the resources available on the internet, and the library, it is easier than ever before. Crochet is the next one up on my "to tackle" list.

    Good luck!

  7. ^What they all said :) It is never too late, and with a good book and youtube by your side, it is REALLY easy to teach yourself :) Plus there are so many sewing bloggers with great information!
    And wouldn't it be fun to learn alongside her? ;) She looked like she enjoyed it!


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