Tuesday, July 19, 2011

July 20, 2011

I LOVE to read.
I love seeing what other people are reading.
So, maybe you would like to see what I've been reading these days.
The Happiness Project is really drawing me in.
I like the idea of making monthly resolutions. 
I'm a list type of girl, so simply checking something off  makes me feel happy!

Unplanned I read about in a Focus on the Family magazine.
It wasn't what I expected.
It's the story of a woman who directed a Planned Parenthood Center and how she crossed the fence and joined the pro-life movement. The moment her view shifted broke my heart. I cried.
In college, I thought I was pro-choice but knew I could never have an abortion myself.
Over the years, I've come to know where I stand but have never "put it out there" so to speak.
After reading this book I was reaffirmed that I am 100% pro-life.  
I will not hide my position on the matter that ALL life is precious.
Over the past two years I have read about the Forty Days of Life and been curious about the event and even wondered how I could participate.
I may figure out a way to be involved in that campaign now, seeing that there is a PP ten minutes away.

A Love That Multiplies shares about the Duggards trials and tribulations.
I find them very inspirational and I love that Michelle, as quiet and good natured that she seems--
really has to pray for patience and relies solely on the Lord.
There were a couple recipes and a ton of resources if you homeschool.
All in all, a read I enjoyed.

Made to Crave by Lysa Terkeurst I've read before on my kindle-like book thing.
It's just not the same as owning my own copy and highlighting and thumbing through the pages.
It focuses on craving more of God and less of the food that isn't so good for us.
Totally inspirational and full of nuggets of wisdom.
This lady is one of my favorites.
I came across her Proverbs 31 site and recieve daily inspirations through my email.
When she was in San Diego, my mom and I drove down to listen to her. 
We spent more time in the car than at the actual event, but it was so worth it!!
Am I Messing Up My kids is another favorite!

The Goops I read about on another blog.
I would love to have a copy of this for my house.  
It's so ancient and lovely and funny!
I'm having more fun reading this aloud than the kids are hearing the silly poems about manners, I'm sure!

I haven't quite gotten to the other two.
I realized there is no fiction this time around. . .I think I read a lot of that on our RV trip that I went the other way this library trip.
To me, one of the best things about summer is the reading in the backyard as the day cools off.
What have you read lately that's worth me picking up?


  1. Those sound great. I am looking up The Happiness Project now!

  2. I've read two of those recently, made to crave, and the duggars, both good reads! I'll have to check out the others, and the happiness project. Hmmm, sounds interesting, we all need a bit more happiness :) Great blog, i'll come back to visit often!

  3. Looks like a great stack of books for summer!
    I LOVE to read too. I always have a few books going.
    Right now I am reading Fall of Giants and can not put it down. I'm sad though because it is a trilogy and the next one isn't out yet. I've been curious about The Happiness Project. I wondered if it was totally bogus or not. Sounds intriguing.

  4. I would like to read the Duggars' books. Right now I am reading Winning Him Without Words by Lynn Donovon and Dineen Miller. Thanks, Heather


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