Friday, July 22, 2011

July 22, 2011

When the baby gets up at six am.  I know it's going to be a different type of day.
Which Wednesday was--but in more good ways than bad.

Guess who showed up at the door at eight am. with a dozen donuts in hand?
After a week long vacation from the kids he arrived eagerly, willing to share his coffee:  a little coffee with a whole lotta cream, just like his grandma used to make.
He sat down at the table and shared his pictures and adventures with the kids.
They were a very captive audience. . .except the baby who was down for a nap at 8 am.
Hmmm...told you it was gonna be a different type of day!!

Yesterday he picked them up for some hiking, a movie, and lunch with their great-grandpa.
Wow!  What a treat!!
Vacation was good to him--put him in a mellow place so he could handle the rascals on back to back days.
Making memories they will remember.

Thanks, Grandpa!

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