Monday, September 5, 2011

September 5, 2011

Happy 60th Birthday, Dad!
Saturday night we celebrated in a simple way.
His compadres, kids, and grand kids came over to enjoy dinner and dessert.
I thought the simplicity of the evening emphasized the travels of my dad on his journey this year.
He hasn't always been the content soul that he is today.
It has only been through his struggles that he has grown into this kinder version of himself. 
He is more family oriented.
He takes time with all the grand kids and listens and plays with them.
He loves and lets go.
He isn't as concerned with what he doesn't have as he is thankful for what he does.
I love the shirt Bubba wore for the occasion.
It suits him and my dad perfectly. . .
all of us really:
"Be Patient, God is Not Finished With me Yet."
There's just something about fathers and daughters.
Fathers and grand daughters.
Pure and simple.

Hope this decade is full of simple pleasures, good health and surprising, sentimental moments and memories.
You deserve them!!
We LOVE you!!!!!
(Clicking on the link  DAD will give you a glimpse into his thoughts as he started his own blog this years to encourage the writer he has always been. Birthday wishes would be a bonus!!)


  1. Well said daughter dear! well said.

    Love you

  2. and your dad certainly share the gift of words...became more difficult to read through my misty eyes...very beautiful


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