Monday, October 31, 2011

October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!
We did things a little differently around here this year.
I'm not a HUGE Halloween fan per say, but I do love the Fall season. . . this year I let the kids decorate and I didn't pull everything out and I'm feeling okay with that.
Feeling great actually!!If you can recall my word for the year:  simplify.
Simplify I did!!

The highlight of this year (so far, as trick-or-treating hasn't happened yet) was pumpkin carving.
Bubba received a special prayer at his CCD class and he was determined to use it to carve.
Some of the neighborhood kids were over (including the two who lost their mom five months ago) and it felt nice to "pray" with all of them in an informal kind of way.
Take away all my sins and forgive the wrong I do.
Designing the pumpkin while reciting the prayer.
Everyone had a job to do--toasted seed makers included.
Even this one was in on the action.

Writing out the prayer together so the kids could take it home.
Our prayerful pumpkin
I baked snickerdoodles as the kids worked.
They all stuck around and played long after the pumpkin carving was done.
It was a simple time of unexpected fellowship that I am so happy these kids had the opportunity to participate in.
We never made it to the pumpkin patch.
There were not three pumpkins to carve--only one.
Their costumes were from a package on sale for ten bucks and you know what?
They were okay with all of it as simple as it was.
What do you know...I think I'm finally mastering the art of simplifying!!!
It's only taken a full ten months--not that I'm counting or anything...I'm getting there and it feels great!!!!
But do you think a simplified life can be lived without conscious planning?
Just wondering. . .

1 comment:

Thanks for stopping by! I would love to hear what you have to say: ) May blessings abound always!!