Tuesday, November 1, 2011

November 1, 2011

Last week, I was blessed by a post from The Better Mom on Keys of Obedience.
Obedience is something we talk about daily in this household...because, well, my kids are disobedient. 
Sometimes it's subtle.
Sometimes it's blatant.
Sometimes it's addressed nicely.
Sometimes it's not. 
Sometimes it may not even be addressed at all because. . .
I'm lazy.
Consistency is hard.
Teaching them about obedience makes me take a look at myself and sometimes I don't like who I see.
How often am I disobedient?
How often do I do the thing that should not be done,
say the thing that should not be said,
disobey His word?
More often than I care to admit.
So--this lesson we did--was probably as much for them as it was for me.
And just a note of encouragement:  I didn't have the card stock.  I used construction paper.
We didn't laminate; they are hanging in plain site in the kitchen. 
It doesn't have to be all pretty and perfect for them to get the message--even for those of us who are type-A personalities.

It took us two days to complete.
I'm sure it will take years to perfect the lesson, but we are so much more conscious of the word: obedience.
The lesson will be a continuing work in progress.
And song #8 on the Seeds Character CD teaches the verse--
I will be buying every CD they put out--the music is fabulous 
(and no, I am not being compensated for saying these things)!!
In plain sight--on my little frame I pinned and made.
1.  Today I am thankful for:
 a hot cup of coffee during my bible time: )

1 comment:

  1. Oh i love this reminder. Something I too try to teach and instill in my kiddos. Thank you for your great ideas.:)


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