Friday, November 11, 2011

Nov. 11, 2011

Our week at a glance...
I was busy working on HAPP projects this week, and captured some of those on my Canon--
which means I was lagging with my phone.
You will be able to tell.  Trust me.
Don't fret--if all goes well, I'll have a post tomorrow documenting the ways we shared happy!!
 We finished tennis this week.
She tried it.
She liked it,
but not enough to take lessons again.
I'm okay with that...smiling about it actually. Is that bad?
Don't answer that.
 Hand me downs are the best, aren't they?
LOVE this coat.
So happy our friends were able to part with it and pass it on...
to us!!!
 This guy cracks me up when he sings a song from Tangled--he gets this low, creepy voice and I just laugh and that makes him get more dramatic. I love it!
Time for the turkey art!
There's just something about Fall colors.
Turkeys and pumpkin candles.
LOVE this time of year!

11.  Today I am thankful for the day off with all of us home together, but MORE importantly for our Veterans who selflessly fight for our freedom.

life rearranged

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