Thursday, November 10, 2011

November 10, 2011

This week I wrote to a friend I met almost fifteen years ago or thereabout.
I was a very young, very motivated elementary school teacher who was pursuing a second master's degree in School Counseling.
There was this woman who worked in the library/computer lab and I got the chance to really know her.
I admired how hard she worked to raise her three kids as a single mom;
I was in awe of the obstacles she overcame during her own upbringing.
I feel like our relationship was really cemented when I took a couple of our kids, who had recently lost parents, 
She shared her heart and prayers for me and the campers...
and I knew I would always have a connection with this woman.
She and I have both moved on from our old elementary stomping grounds. . .
She is now an amazing teacher who gives young kids an incredible learning experience because God has truly blessed her with the gift of teaching from the heart.
Our relationship flourished in a most intimate way almost two years ago.
I sent out an email to friends in my list of contacts who might want to join me in a  
I had this overwhelming desire to get to know Jesus through the Word.
It was a task I was not used to and I knew it would be a futile attempt if I didn't have some accountability.
My Sunny (her nickname--I like to say it's her cheerful disposition) stepped up.
There were four of us actually who committed to the journey and I'm happy to say we are all still committed to being each others front line of defense.
We are prayer warriors.
And Sunny?  
Her words are almost poetic and so prayerful.
An example of her reaching out to me would be the beautiful prayer she said on the phone the morning of my Uncle's funeral.  
I actually felt the holy spirit--I completely changed what I had written as soon as I got off the phone.
The words came from above.
They were not my own and I have Sunny to thank for that.
Her petitioning on my behalf opened me up to the words I was supposed to hear and share.
Last week the morning I went back to work she sent me this text. . .
"There is no fear in love but perfect love casts out fear because fear involves torment.  But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.  We love him because he loved us first."1John 4: 18-19
Then she called me and prayed with me...soothing my soul and preparing me with heartfelt words that would get me through the day.
I am so thankful for my Sunny.
She is my mentor, my friend, my sister in Christ.
 Listen to advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom in the future.
 Proverbs 19:20
10. Today I am thankful for my parents perseverance.  
Happy 38th anniversary, Mom and Dad.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the anniversary wishes honey.....but you give us an extra year credit...I know time is flying by so fast but we have one more year to go to make it to #39! Love You!


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