Sunday, December 11, 2011

December 10, 2011

Happy birthday, Little!
I'm not sure which is harder to believe:  you are eighteen today or that I've had the pleasure of knowing you for the last thirteen years.
Unbelievable where the time has gone...
You were just a little boy when I first  met you
and now you are a man.
I remember the days I used to pick you up from Nana's and we would head off to do homework and then to karate.
How we both hated the homework that came along with third grade--remember those awful packets that seemed to take FOREVER?!
Now, it is up to you to be creator of your own successes.
You are a man now--Wow!  
A man. . .
I hope all the best for you, always.
And I don't think you'll ever outgrow your nickname. Sorry.
Love you, Little.

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