Saturday, January 21, 2012

Jan 21, 2012

Currently. . .
Currently new (and only i-anything) ipod and downloading free music from the library. Three songs a week--it's so fun!!
Currently reading...Mission to Motherhood by Sally's our first book club pick and I am so excited about it!
Currently waiting for...the school year to end (is that bad?)  I love summer days with my kids and no work to worry about and maybe this summer will be even more awesome because there will be no work to return to daily!!! 
Currently excited about...Valentine's day.  Since my mom's annual party has been postponed--I plan on hand making the placemats and purchasing one sweet little gift for each child. Ernie's favorite lasagna dinner will be served and I can't wait to make it special, just like mom used to do!!
Currently grandpa.  He would be pretty awesome to talk to about all the changes in our future.

Currently working at...running at least three miles three days a week. . .I did well last week and not so well this week. (That bike ride I took should have counted for something!)
Currently enjoying...the free weekends on our calendar!  Since Lene quit dance and Ernie is finishing school it seems our weekends are open for adventure.  It has been too long. . .
Currently snacking on...cheese, crackers, and salami--without wine!Three pieces and I'm full.
Currently using...Avon's skin regiment for the sixty year olds. . .I won a complete kit and tried it and loved it so I'm being very proactive in my skin care, I guess!!
Currently Toms and gray fleece jacket--that's not all--but those are the most consistent, comfortable pieces.
Currently planning...a small trip for the kid's spring break:  Arizona, Nevada, or...camping locally--not sure but excited to finalize things soon!
Currently singing..."I Can Only Imagine. . ." I heart that song!
Currently needing... mascara. A new tube--I think I've had my old one too long and it's clumpy. 
Currently learning... that sometimes you just have to dive head first into faith.
Currently listening to...a very clear message about being home with my kids.
Currently wishing... I could go on a mission trip to Haiti-especially after reading Kisses from Katie
Currently praying husband's final this morning--it's his last day of school and he's months away from journeying out!  I am so proud of all his effort and hard work!
Currently dreaming of...our week away to celebrate our ten year anniversary!  Just kidding, mom and dad, I know it's only three or four--but a girl can dream, right?  No kids thanks to grandparents who have offered to babysit--we haven't been away since before the baby was born so we are excited!!


  1. This is a great post. I might have to use your idea if you approve. ;) I'm praying about the changes in your future. I know how that goes for sure. Your Valentines Day sounds like a lot of fun. I bet your kiddos will grow up remembering how special Mom made it for everyone.

    1. Of course you can use:) lemonademakinmama is where I saw it first and she encouraged everyone to try:) Thanks for the prayers...meeting went well...Happy Sunday:)

  2. You'll have to tell me about Mission to Motherhood. I'm always looking for new reads.

  3. lol counting the days like Aunt Cookie...only 96 to go....53 until Spring days that is....I know the decision I would of made if I had had the opportunity but the Lord did get me into teaching so I could have my summers with my kids. Praying for you!

  4. I was just talking to my dad about the number of days today:) looking at either a ten or twenty percent job share...or a break:)
    Prayers appreciated always!!! Thank you. Countdown is on like never before!!!

  5. I am always counting down the days until summer break ;)

  6. LOVED this post, girlie! Great stuff here.

    Sell me on TOMS shoes! Why do you like them so much & which style do you have? I am in LOVE with the wedges, though I suck at walking in heels & it usually makes my feet hurt. LOL Are they supportive?! Oooohhhhing and aaaaahhhhing over the Tiny Toms. OMG. Lola & Claire need pairs. NOW. LOL

    YEAH on the running!!!!!!!!! PROUD OF YOU!

    xoxooxo Gwennie

    1. Actually, Lene got a pair first--and then I got some for the baby and they are a dream--easy on--easy off and light with support so she doesn't take them off constantly. I think they are way comfier than my converse--they just are a comfy, casual shoe: ) And every pair you buy helps someone else:))) Mine are just ordinary gray ones--I'd love to buy another pair, but we are currently on a budget, refinancing the house to a fifteen year--no fun: ( But if it means being home with the kids even more than my current status--I'll be happy with the one pair I have: )

    2. Hey! COOL! I'll have to check some out sometime -- THANKS!

      And NO, I didn't get notified that you replied... wonder why?!??!

      We refi-ed the house too, and our payment went up, so I'm with you! SUCKS! But at least it's done & we got a suuuuuuuper low rate, so YEAH for that. :)

      I can help you get music on your blog if you want! EASY PEASY! Go to & set up an account & it'll help guide you. No prob! Let me know if I can help!

      HUGS, CHICA!

      xoxoxo G.


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