Saturday, January 7, 2012

January 7, 2012

A few months ago I decided I wanted a collection.
It took me forever to realize that books....old, vintage-ish books are something I adore.
As I dug a little deeper, I narrowed it down to old Little Golden Books that I enjoyed as a child.

As luck would have it, when I mentioned this new passion (if you will) to my mom she just so happened to have several oldies hanging around from thrift store or yard sale finds.
She happily passed them on to me and then I began little jaunts to our neighborhood thrift store to look for on occasion.
It is thrilling to look for their pretty golden spines among plump shelves.
It is even more thrilling to see their publishing date and to cheer inside the older it is.
I would come home, read it to the kids and place the new treasure in my crate. 
My crate was on a shelf up in my closet.

These children books weren't really for my children...
and this has started to bug me.

I remember when I was young, my Nana and Papa had a room with white couches covered in hard, clear plastic.
It was a showroom, not intended for the grandkids to play in. Never.
It wasn't warm and inviting like their cozy living room with the fireplace and big boxed tv. 
I don't ever recall being invited into that room to partake or experience the beauty it exuded. 
The rooms mystery and external beauty was overshadowed by the fact that it wasn't for me.  
Children must look, but not touch.
As a thirty-six year old woman, I  wish I had been invited, even if it was only once...imagine my memory of that experience after having been asked to keep out for so many years!

I hope my mom  (Grandma) understands that while the books she passed on to me may be worth something someday...I can't wait to find out.
I can't keep them boxed away from little hands.
They're simply too beautiful NOT to share. 
These are the kind of books that will offer my kids a rich, meaningful experience because of what they mean to me.

I can no longer deny this joyful experience simply because they might be worth something someday.
Someday is today.

"Go On. Go to God."--J.F.


  1. amen. oh, i love and appreciate you!
    also, what a perfect thing, sweet golden books!

  2. I have so many memories of my Grandpa reading me little golden books.. The Pokey Little Puppy was my very favorite. That's a great collection!

  3. Aww, thanks for sharing! My little ones are about to turn two and my mom just gave me a box of books from my childhood (how funny lol) and some of the books in your pictures look familiar lol.

    Hope they enjoy!

    Stopping by from the WLW link up!

    Stop by any time and be inspired!



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