Thursday, January 5, 2012

January 6, 2012

Amidst organizing, cleaning, and looking for documents for a refinance. . .
the week has been filled with simple, everyday moments that leave me refreshed.

Yesterday while I frantically looked for tax documentation that was m.i.a.,
I asked the kids to play in the back yard.   
It was a little too quiet, so I went to see what they were up to.
The baby had taken off her shirt and was sitting in a patio chair working on stacking beads, you know the kind you're supposed to string..
She was completely unaware of my watching her.
I had time to run in and get the camera and snap these pictures as I watched from behind the lens: 
her focus and determination obvious.

She worked slowly.
She worked mindfully.
She made it look effortless.
One on top of the other: circles, squares, orange, green.
There was no rhyme or reason to how she stacked.
She simply stacked.

She kept her hand firmly on the bead until she was certain it was stable.
Then she released and went through the process again.
Up. Up. Up it went until on the ninth or tenth bead it crashed to the table...
and she started the process again.
There were no tears, no anger, nor did she turn away from the task at hand.
She simply started again.

That's what I will do in those bad mothering moments that happen from time to time.
Or how about the bad wife moments? Yuck!
I will focus on the task at hand: cultivating a warm, nurturing home full of love and raising my children. 
I will simply start again.  Hour by hour, even minute by minute on really bad days.
I will go to the Lord and He will show me how it's done.
He is ever present.

“But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.”  
2 Chronicles 15:7

Go on. Go to God--JF

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