Wednesday, January 4, 2012

January 4, 2012

There is true beauty in simple gestures.
My son can run, jump, climb, play hard with the best of them but more often than not he will stop when beauty strikes.
It might be a dandelion, daisy, heck, even a weed. . .
but his mind's eye sees beauty and he just has to pass it on, generally to me.

Up until yesterday, I don't think I truly appreciated the effort he made in seeking beauty from the outside world to lay in my hands.
I "oohed" and "awed" and hung onto it for awhile but I never let the true meaning of what he had done penetrate my heart, go deep into my soul.

Yesterday, I allowed myself to go there.
I allowed myself to be transported to another time, another place as he held the flower out to me with a smile--arms outstretched.
He was playing busily with friends yet paused to give me a gift.
He stopped what he was doing to think of me, acknowledge me, love me.
How many times had I been too hurried to genuinely do the same?

Yesterday, I reacted with true joy.
Taking the time wasn't as hard as I made it out to be all those times before. . .
Being in the moment actually allowed me to experience so much more joy than I could have ever imagined, really.

 There is true beauty in simple gestures.
 "This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."--Psalm 118:2 
Go on. Go to God...J.F.

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