Monday, January 9, 2012

January 9, 2012

Today I went back to work after a beautiful two week vacation.
Two weeks of luxurious down time blessed with my kids company and no lesson planning or grading papers.
I just about loved every. single. minute!
Who wouldn't?
I returned to my classroom this morning.
The room that still strikes moments of reflection and pause from time to time.
I am happy to report that fear has been replaced with curiosity.
A keen awareness that change is on my horizon, I'm just not sure what that looks like exactly. Yet.

After acknowledging that we are in fact back to the grind, and realizing my second and third periods are just completely different communities of learners than I am used to. . .
today God placed the phrase, "Go with the flow," completely on my heart.
It isn't a coincidence that He used my word of the year.
I do believe, He was trying to get my attention.  
Mission accomplished!

So as I continue to listen to His calling for my life,
I will go with the flow in my classroom.
Don't get me wrong, this does not mean fly by the seat of my pants, or stop caring--
Quite the opposite is true!
I have many students with learning and emotional disorders who need structure and well thought out lessons to grasp the standards being taught. . .but I have to let go of some of the the things that have come to bother me a bit this year: twenty questions asking the same thing, a dull murmur of voices as I am in the middle of instruction, planning for opportunities to mix things up to stretch and break, assistants and personal aids in the classroom to assist...the list goes on.

Just as I will go where He leads me in the end.
I will go where they lead me for now.
I'll have my heart and ears open to receive what comes next.
I'll continue to enjoy the scenery along the way.
He wouldn't want it any other way, I'm sure.
Go on. Go to God. . .--JF


  1. You spoke to my heart here. I wish I could really Go. I keep repeating it Go to God. I'm glad your fear has been replaced as that must bring so much more contentment to you. Blessings

  2. More women need to discover your blog... your way with words is amazing! And you said just what I needed to hear. Thank you (again)


Thanks for stopping by! I would love to hear what you have to say: ) May blessings abound always!!