Tuesday, January 10, 2012

January 10, 2012

Ever since June 28, 2010 this image has been ingrained on my heart and mind even more than the ginormous splendor that the Sequoias and Yosemite offered.
This is what my eyes bore witness to the minute my feet were firmly planted on ground after hours of travel in the RV.
The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Memories of the children's book The Legend of the Three Trees flashed across my mind.
Each tree had such big plans for themselves but after many passing years they forgot their dreams as they never seemed to come to pass.  
However, God had even bigger plans....
and that's the thought I relish in today.
I have worked for years crafting what I thought was the "right" life for me, which turned into the right life for us.
Ten years in and I'm not so confident in "my plan" any more.
Maybe it's time to throw caution to the wind and dive head first into faith.
Why is it I have faith that there is a heaven and a promise of eternal life, but I can't quite grasp that He is enough all the time, for everything... Today. Tomorrow. In the future? Now.

I'm realizing this is not a coincidence that I've flashed-back on this photo and reflected on why it was so striking--what those three trees represented that day, last summer.
I don't think I was ready to see the big picture then, to ask myself the hard questions, to deviate from my "plan."
God has a way of getting my attention.
Another afternoon, I'm sitting here in awe of the wisdom he breathes into me from a simple snapshot in time.

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11
Go on. Go to God...JF


  1. Your post made me teary. I think you and I are in such a similar place right now. Your words speak directly to my heart. Thank you so much for your comment on my blog earlier. You're right. Much in common.

  2. It is hard to look at those trees and not see the hand of God. They take my breath away. Sounds like God is using them to stir something within you. Remember his grace is even greater than those trees! I pray that you will find peace and faith in your struggle.


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