Thursday, March 1, 2012

March 1, 2012

This week has been filled with early days for daddy.  Due to weather conditions, ten hour days have been shortened to eight hours and we are not complaining! Having given up television for Lent, our afternoons and evenings have been ultra-productive! Today, Ernie took Bubba outside to teach him how to change the oil.  We usually take it to get done. . .but I'm not sure if it was the extra time or the new budget thing that convinced Ernie it was time to go at it on his own.
They did what all men do when they change the oil. Whatever that is.
I stuck around a bit to snap a few pictures of my guys in action.  I thought it was way cool the way the old oil flowed out. At least, I think it was old. . .
I believe this was some sort of fluid inspection on the truck.  I could be wrong, but it's a good guess, I think.
I came out again once the baby was up from her nap.  She wanted in on the action, although I can't imagine why!  Car maintenance is not something I've ever been interested in.  In fact, I took after my dad in my early years--owning a new car every other year or so--so major maintenance was never required.  Those days are long gone--two vehicles paid off and forget about new.  We are used car connoisseurs now and apparently my husband is a mechanic when he wants to be.  Love.  Jack of all trades, my man is. Lucky me!

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