Saturday, March 24, 2012

March 24, 2012

So, it has been awhile.  It seems we have been up to our eyebrows with. . .life.
Since this space is my place to capture our memories--I figured I must remember our St. Patrick's Day celebration.  We celebrated together with our immediate family--letting the cousins play and the grown ups eat and catch up because I don't know how it is already the end of March. Unbelievable.
 No leprechaun traps this year--I was gone up until late the night before so I kind of just threw some green fun together and the kids were more than pleased with the effort.  Sugar cereals aren't typical here--so Lucky Charms was a treat!
 Lene read aloud about St. Patrick after breakfast.  This is the first year I think they get that the day is about more than just all things green and gold coins and leprechauns.
 First grade art work is always a must.  What will I do when they no longer make these cute little people?  Why, I save them, of course!
 Our very green dessert--thank you, Jell-O vanilla pudding pie!
 Party favors for the cousins to take home. Thank you, Pinterest.
 I finally was able to use this Lazy-Susan I bought at an estate sale--it's my favorite jade green color and fir the theme!
 A find from Pinterest that expresses my sentiments exactly!
 Nina and Nessa
The little ones enjoyed their pie and the big kids danced and made forts and all kinds of fun things.
I would have to say, I preferred our green dinner party better than being out on the town.  There's something special about creating these memorable evenings in our home amongst family that makes me feel so content. Seriously simple and enjoyable for us all. 

1 comment:

  1. Your green day looks so fun! I love the little leprechaun and your baby's big beautiful eyes in the last pic!


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