Sunday, March 25, 2012

March 25, 2012

A very long time ago, I pledged a sorority. I found out it was so not for me--but the whole pledging experience was quite unforgettable. Keep in mind, I was only seventeen when I started college and I lived at home. My parents were on the strict side (thank God--never thought you would hear me say that, did you?) and I had a curfew and all kinds of normal rules that teenagers have.  This way of life was unfathomable for most of my sorority-soon-to-be-sisters.  Most lived on campus or on their owns and they didn't get why I couldn't do every bit of crazy that they did.  When it came time to get our pledge names--my big sister named me Murph.  I didn't get it.  She went on to explain how everything that could go wrong, did during our pledging experience...the first event I got home late which resulted in being grounded, which further effected other events.  Something about Murphy's Law. Maybe you have heard about it? Whatever the case may be, that memory always sticks with me, because honestly that name didn't fit.  I remember thinking she doesn't really know me at all--hence, one week after initiation I asked for a leave of absence and never went back.

Moving on, that memory was brought to the surface this week as two sick children were on my hands without Ernie home--it seems to be happening that way a lot these days.  Poor guy has been so busy with work that I'm taking over the home front.  However, me and throwing up on the homefront don't mix.  Remember the flu back in December?  Ugh!  Wednesday I ended up going back to my classroom with all three kids (one sick and one well on her way) because I couldn't find my flash drive.  I remembered having it in my hand to use, but someone needed my help on the computer so I set it down while I assisted.  We tore the room apart looking for it--the kids and I but to no avail.  It was gone.  Here's the other thing--me and missing/lost items are no good either.  I obsess over finding whatever it is.  I get fixated on it and I can tend to not be real nice.

Later that evening I attended up having to take the baby to Urgent Care--long story short, strep throat.  Unfortunately, even with only two hours of sleep, I had to go to work the next day due to my formal observation.  I just wanted to be done with it! Fast forward fifteen minutes into my lesson and the speaker in my class goes off asking me if I can go up to the office: I have a phone call from my daughter's school.  She had been injured on the playground.  Really? So I went.  She needed to be picked up to have her wrist looked at to make sure it wasn't fractured. On my way. . .in a few (15 to be exact)just had to finish my lesson or I would call grandma and send her.  Or maybe Ernie was home he had hoped to be there early that morning--a few phone calls on my trip back to the classroom and she was covered. Relief!  The timing, I tell you--the timing!!!

Deep breath, back to the lesson--it's going well.  We are to the part where I just finished explaining what they will do on their own now and BEEP! BEEP!BEEP!BEEP!  I look over to my administrator--a fire drill. Really? Yes, really.  So out we went.

Book Club was that night as well--at my house--but it didn't happen because at that point we were watching the baby for signs of dehydration.  She wasn't bouncing back as well as we had hoped!  Even now two full days later I think she might be having a reaction to the antibiotics and she was running a fever again last night. Thankfully daddy is home today.  The week is over and I'm hoping to be able to ignore the sore throat I have and grandma has one too. . .Spring Break is on the horizon for the kids. Palm Springs is on the radar for us. . .in spite of it all, life is still good. Blessed. 

P.S.  After I offered a reward, a student thinks he has my flashdrive.  He found it outside.  Hmm. . .hoping to see it again Monday.

We took a little nap Thursday afternoon when daddy was home and helping the kids with homework. 
After bath time, she wanted to just lay with Daddy.  I must add, we broke our no tv watching to view Disney's Totoro--which I had requested at the library over five months ago. We will also break it again when we watch The Easter Story.  We are all okay with that now. 
This is what it has been like over here in these parts:  a whole lot of crazy! A whole lot of sickies!  A whole lot of mess!  But always:  a whole lot of LOVE!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about all the bad luck!
    but like you said, a whole lot of love! :)

    Get well soon.


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