Monday, May 21, 2012

May 21, 2012

Dear Kids,

I want you to know how blessed you are to have Tita in your life! Your great-great aunt loves you so much and she is one of the only links to your great Nana, Angela.  Tita never was married, nor did she have any children, but her love and dedication to the Lord has always been something I truly admire about her.  The other thing I admire?  I admire her gift for hospitality.  She welcomes you in her home.  She feeds you. She offers a drink.  She is one of the most hospitable hostesses I have ever met.

Since Tita lives in a house that once belonged to my great grandma Pepita, I have such fond memories from there.  Grandma's coffee around the kitchen table, pan dulce, beans soaking, fresh, home made flour tortillas and butter.  Then there was the sounds from the piano...and gathering avocados and running wildly in the large land fenced off from the street.  I remember this house vividly--and even though Tita has now made it her own and it is updated and the roof no longer looks like it might cave in. . .I remember what it was and all the good times that were had there with your Uncle John.  I remember parking in her yard as we gathered to watch the annual parade.  I remember these times with a hint of a smile on my lips because this is part of where my childhood begins. Such fun memories!

Anjalene, what a true blessing that Tita cared for you the first year of your life.! She showered you with love, and songs, and hugs, and kisses.  What an incredible bond you two forged!  One that exists today as she comes to mass to hear you sing, or stops by to take you for breakfast, or a visit at the house.  She is in the audience at all of your performances and the love she has for you radiates.  Truly it does. What a blessing it was that year to race off to her house where my baby and lunch awaited me.  Meals that have no recipe--just a little of this and a little of that.  Conversation and hopes and dreams were shared around that table and even though by this point both my grandmas were long gone up to meet their Lord. . .Tita was present.  She filled spaces I never realized needed to be filled.  Hers is the home I feel like I can stop without an invitation. She is a woman whom I'm so fortunate--takes an interest in the family we are creating.  She is part of the legacy I hope to leave for all of you.

Tita keeps us in prayer.  That is probably the biggest blessing she bestows on us daily.  She is a woman after God''s own heart and all of you are incredibly blessed to have an aunt with her kind of faith!! Love her well, kids. Love her well.

Blessings always,


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