Monday, August 27, 2012

August 28, 2012

"Jesus replied, "You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God.'"--Matthew 22:29
Because I'm always looking for ways to infuse scripture in our homes, and on their hearts, a friend sent me a link for these and I loved them! I printed them on photo paper so they will last longer. I even got Bubba in on the action since he hasn't had homework and we have a whole forty-five minutes together while big sister is still at school.
After I cut them, I had him alphabetize them for me before I hole punched them. I haven't figured out how to use them, but they are out, front and center on the coffee table, next to my Child Training Bible. For now, they will at least have access to them to read.
I also found 31 Prayers For Our Children. I am a big fan of Stormie Omartien's, Power of a Praying Parent so it seems rather natural for me to love these portable cards. I loved these most, because they can come with me everywhere, and I am reminded to pray for a specific need daily for my kids.  I printed them on cardstock and had Bubs put them in order for me before I hole punched.

Then, this little helper woke up from her nap and decided to "help" out.
Her help didn't last long, but she did manage to mess up his system so he looked a little confused for a minute.  Luckily, he was able to muddle through it and hand me a stack of cards in the right order.  Again, I love having His words around our home.  I love the gentle reminders He seems to whisper in those moments of need, and I love the idea that my kids and I can learn scripture together.  It is all part of our journey.  His word. . .on our hearts.

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