Meet Skittles. After much research, deliberation, and approval this hamster joined our family thanks to Nino and Nina. The transition was seamless until we upgraded to the fancy cage and this thing began taking food up there and dropping it so it fell through the spinning wheel--creating a cacophony of noise in the middle of the night. No bueno. Soon right after this was published, Skittles, the escape artist was M.I.A. An hour and a half into our drive towards our last vacation getaway, Grandma called frantic because she came by the house for something and realized the cage was open and Skittles was gone. In true grandma fashion, she saved the day--and even though we turned around because we had to do something...we didn't have to go all the way home. I even called Grandpa for back up. He just pulled up when he heard the good news! Thank God for Grandparents, Bubba said!We agree.
Breakfast is served. At least I had the summer to break me into this one slowly. With my reduced contract, breakfast will now be part of my morning duty. Bring it!
We made mosaics with beans, lentils, and rice. The whole neighborhood seemed to join us and when the masterpieces were complete, a food fight ensued. Fun times!
The same day we made the mosaics, we rushed out to bring them in as the afternoon was filled with a humid rain. . .Perfect for dancing in!
Lego building is a constant in this place. We even attended a Lego Club put on by my Godson. Those kids could seriously build for Legoland tomorrow. They are that into it. Cool, constructive use of time!
My HP tablet has been getting a lot of use. It amazes me what this little one has picked up from watching her brother and sister!
Excuse the quality of these next pictures. My pony express phone is lagging in more than just speed. Picture quality doesn't light a candle next to its opponents. We headed to the beach. Crystal Cove, to be exact. It was secluded, had tide pools, and was a nice way to spend a Saturday! The kids boogie boarded and it felt great to be back near the water. Avila beach was a year ago already...
Me and my beach buddy when he would get cold. Poor guy, his allergy tests came back and he needs to see an allergist soon. He is severely allergic to grass, several specific types, and peanut he needs to stay away from it until further testing is done. Here's the thing: the boy loves peanut butter and honey sandwiches. He ate them almost daily during school--so I don't get the whole allergy thing. Research and appointments to follow. . .for now, I will take him snug as a bug on the beach next to me-allergies and all!
And at the end of the day, we knock out and start again bright and early! Summer has meant many things--most of them great!
And if you're still with me, a friend sent this to read. The timing couldn't be better, you know since we aren't in escrow and all. Our little house is filled with a lot of things--love being one of them. I feel truly blessed!
Love is the best home decoration of all isn't it? :D thank you for the link, sweet lady!!