Monday, November 26, 2012

November 27, 2012

Nessa Bessa,

Happy birthday!  Three-years-old today!!  You are so different from your brothers and sister!  You are a cuddle bug, but a spit fire.  You are sensitive, but you are fiercely stubborn.  You can make me laugh and turn around and make me cry. . .the last few months together--just you and I have been an adventure.  You have made me look within and taught me how not to be so selfish with my time.  Without your brother and sister at home during the school day, you need me.  You want me to play with you.  Dress up, house, putting puzzles together, coloring, little pet shops.  You have an imagination that needs to be fed.

The best day of the week is our Parent Participation Pre-school.  I love following you from toy to toy and being invited to play in your world.  I love singing "Skiddle-ma-rinky-rink" with you, rocking the boat and Little Red Caboose around the carpet.  I like how you've taught me to give you your creative license to do what the heck you want with your projects.  My way is usually not the way you want to get anything done, but I'm learning to let go of that.  I'm learning to allow you to be who God has made you to be, and to not worry that you will be disobedient or opinionated forever.  you might be, but sweetie, I am on my knees in prayer daily for the job I'm doing in helping to raise you!

You are such a daddy's girl.  You snuggle up with him and watch movies on the i-pad or television.  You take his hand and walk with him, you look up to him and for as long as I live I will forever hear your voice echoing, "daddy hurt. . ." as we ran to the car after getting the call that daddy was at the hospital. I will always remember how that one nurse took pity and with such loving kindness opened that door to let you see your daddy before he was transferred to the burn center.  You ran down the way to him and it was just precious.  A sight I will always cherish, because your daddy was safe and he was there comforting and protecting you in spite of his injuries.  He made you believe he was going to be fine--and thank God, he is.  Daddy is home for your birthday, baby.  We are so blessed!

You have ventured into the preschool world and you seem to be loving it.  You enjoy your time at our i-moms meeting twice a month and oh, how you adore your friends Sarah and Jaycee.  And let us not forget your cousin Joshie. . .you could have playdates with these three all day, every day.  You are so full of energy and life and more energy. . .just the way God made you to be!

Love bug, I pray that your fierce independence will see you through tough times, but I also pray that you open your heart to let God lead you first and foremost.  Remember how each night we bless your eyes so you always see Him, your ears so you hear His voice, your heart so you write His words upon them, your handso so you always do His work, and your feet so you always walk in His path.  We also bless your nose because. . .well, just because you ask me to.  I love our bedtime ritual.  I love our mealtime prayers--how you grab the hands of the person sitting next to you. . .and how you bless yourself and say, "arm pits."  You crack me up!!

Janessa Raylene, you are such a blessing to this family.  Your energy, your heart, your light, your personality, your laughter, your crossed arms in anger, your messy, pretty curls!!! You are our daughter.  Our last born, our baby--and Friday we will go and re-check those hips of yours and I pray that they are continuing to heal so that no further work needs to be done--but I know--no matter what, you will be fine.  God has this.  he holds you in the palm of His hands and He is in the miracle making business because He is that amazing, and awesome and wonderful.  You are loved by an almighty God, sweetie and He loves you just as you are now!!

May blessings abound baby girl.
Blessed to be your mommy,


Due to dad getting out of the hospital, we celebrated at home this year. Just us and Nino. . .and Nina called from South Africa.  You took donut holes and milk to celebrate with your friends at pre-school.  You had a great day!

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