Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Story of Someone Special

Once upon a time, twenty-five years ago, my life was forever changed.  I became the proud, big sister of a little brother named Alan Leo.  From the start, he was my world.  Long gone were my doll days as I had a real, live, baby to help take care of.  I did it without expectation, without being asked.  I did it because from the moment I laid eyes on him. . .my thirteen-year-old self was changed.

His life has been a part of my story from the beginning.  Often I babysat, cared for him, dragged him to places with friends, and I became the person who picked him up from preschool and later helped in his kindergarten classroom.  I got my first teaching job at his school!! We drove to and from work together and he became my constant companion and helper in my classroom. He was my buffer when I suffered my first broken heart, and he was my joy during dark days of loneliness and isolation.  He would spend the night at my house and help me out, keep me company and just be with me.

Poor guy, couldn't even go to high school without dealing with me--I had transferred and low and behold, he was scheduled in my honors English class.  His brother-in-law and dad both worked there too!  It takes quite the kid to be able to handle that many family members intruding on your high school years--but that's the kind of guy Alan has always been--easy-going, a good kid, happy to help and absolutely one of my best friends without a doubt.

Our relationship reached an even new level recently as he experienced life with a new career, new home, and new everyday normal.  Being a part of his transition and seeing the metamorphosis take place has been quite an adventure.  It's not done yet, nor is he in any way absolutely sure of who he is becoming, but it has been an honor to be a part of.  An honor to witness the growth and progress he has made over the past few months.  It has been a joy to see him grow from shattered to sure that who he is at his core--is who God made him to be.  He is stretching and growing and becoming. Our daily text conversations throughout the day leave me smiling and waiting for the next one.

Alan,  my kids are so incredibly blessed to have you in their lives.  Ernie and I are blessed--it's like you are a true extension of our immediate family.  You are a safe place that I trust will breathe life and love into our kids because that is who you are.  You are that person.  You are amazing and you have so much to offer this world!  And I am so excited for what the future holds for you. . .keep growing, keep searching, keep your eyes on the gifts God keeps placing before you! Twenty-five was a life changer for me. I'm hoping and praying it is that kind of gift for you as well.

I love you immensely.  Happy birthday little brother.  May birthday blessings abound!!

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