You know the days that are so full to the brim of splendid? I think I just experienced one of them. Helping in both kid's classrooms, trekking to the doctors for a mysterious rash on a daughter, a play date/lunch with a friend who catered to our hungry tummies and opened her home to us. . .Not even the tantrum that followed when it was time to leave, cast a shadow of gray upon the stay. She was fast asleep by the time we reached home. . and soon kids raced home to do homework and their Daily Ten list before they could go out and play. . .Overheard in the bathroom, as I actually sat in my sacred place with a book in hand, contemplating whether or not I would go to book club tonight: "We might as well clean the shower while we are at it." They happily, eagerly, helped this mama out and went above and beyond their "chore" list. I felt so happy.
A brother stopped by to pick up the dogs that were visiting in the yard. His visit was brief but he did help out the fourth grader with a rounding worksheet that I was getting frustrated over. He saved the day. God sent him at just the right time to intervene and my warm, happy, fuzzy feeling was not lost. Did I mention an hour and a half wait at the doctors, or a temper tantrum by the three -year-old?
Dinner was simple: prepared while on the phone talking to my best friend, about our daily happenings. Earlier that morning, I text her to let her know we had prayed for her daughter who was having teeth pulled that day. A sweet text message followed and now we were checking in. Two moms, two friends. Blessed. A dinner together, where we talked life and love and all things in between. We focused on Way number 1: Loving our Lord with whole hearted devotion. Thank you Clay Clarkson for the plan--now I pray we really strive to implement it into our nightly routine.
Cookies were placed in the oven for dessert and I made the call to stay home: to inhale their loveliness, this peaceful space of home. I praised God that even in the chaos of the day, I was constantly looking for the joy. I kept it together, calm, cool, collected. Focused and intentional. All that remains tonight is a read aloud--we're aiming for two chapters while the kids inhale their fresh from the oven cookies. I love today. I love its simpleness. I love its splendor. I love that I am here to live it with these people who matter most to me.
Today was a very good day.
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