Last Sunday we had the honor of baptizing our nephew Joseph John. When they asked us, I thought of Romeo and Juliet when Juliet says, "It is an honor that I think not of," because I was so surprised and happy to be able to say yes. Since we've baptized our own kids, I look at the act of Godparents differently. They are people who are willing to invest in the spiritual life of your kids and that is not a job to take lightly. It is a responsibility that began soon after they asked us as I poured over my daily bible reading looking for the perfect life verse to pray for JJ daily. Finally we decided on, The blessing of the Lord be upon you."--Psalm 129:8 This will be our signature on cards and our daily prayer for him as he grows.
He was a perfect angel during his baptism. He stayed awake the entire time while his brother and cousin, Joshua and Nessa slept soundly. He smiled and played with my leather band bracelet, and didn't make a sound as the holy water was poured over his head signifying his entry into the church. He is such a good-natured little boy! After, we headed back to John and Suzann's. They have been working so hard to get their yard together since they moved and it looked AMAZING!
It is perfect for entertaining with a grass area, large patio and extended concrete slab. It was decorated so nicely and just really a wonderful memory for our little JJ to see his whole family there to support him in his upbringing of a faith-filled life. We were gifted with a beautiful picture of him that says, "I love my nino and nina." It is special and we're still looking for the perfect place for it.
Watching someone be baptized gives me so much hope for their future--no matter what their age, I know their eternal future with God is so much more grand than this earthly life will ever be! Praying we can help plant faith seeds in JJ's heart as he grows!
I am unfamiliar with Catholicism as the baptism is concerned. But this is just *precious* thank you for sharing. It's inspiring to think how we all can be used in not only the lives of our own children but all that are around us as well.