The days are getting away from me. I'm running to stand still it seems consumed by concerts, birthdays, camping, pool play, and beach days. Not problems I am complaining about, but documenting the important parts--the little details--seem to be getting pushed to the wayside. Since this journal is for you, my kids, I hope you remember the fun we had because I was not ruled by the computer. I may forget or skip parts that are etched on our hearts so that we can continue to play our days away. Everything I do, is for you. Loves.

It may be an annual tradition, one in which the only thing that look different in the pictures are our ages, but I have to document this nonetheless. I was so happy to be home and to host our annual Fourth of July festivities. The truth is, this is what I love to do with our little family despite who shows up. Luckily year after year family is with us to feast on food and fireworks and we usually have a blast. this year was no exception. In fact, we had a few newcomers to the parade route. Janessa loved having her cousin and friend there to sit with and watch and wither away in the hot sun.Our dear friends who moved out of town for awhile, were there to sit on our corner just like old times too. The atmosphere is always festive and just the best small town feeling imaginable.

The water slide we bought was a huge hit for the kids. . .while the adults were able to enjoy my cousin Jennifer and my great concert performance of the best of New Kids on the Block. I mean, what was not to enjoy about that concert? I can't even imagine. . .We went easy on the food this year opting for chili dogs and nachos--stuff we didn't have to be standing around cooking and preparing as people came and went on their own accord. Simple really is better, I think.My dad teased me at one point of not sitting down, but I think I was taking it all in. I was enjoying watching the kids on the water slide, listening to their make believe, guarding the little ones. . .it was so much better to be able to witness these moments than to be slaving away in the kitchen!! Lesson learned. . .
After dinner and the concert, we proceeded to get our glow sticks out and walk to the park to watch the fireworks show. It was a great one, as usual with different colors exploding in the dark night sky. This time, country music played in the background as we watched and listened to the sights and sounds around us.
Savoring the days of summer and the joy it brings. . .
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