Sunday, December 1, 2013

Birthday Bonus Galore

This was quite the year for this little lady. . .and she didn't even turn five! We decided to go into party mode since we thought her Nina would be here to celebrate with us this year, but even though that didn't go according to plan, the party had to go on. Her actual birth day began at mass, just the two of us. We've been making this a weekly outing and I have to say, I feel so good sharing this with her. It has made our Sunday mass visits almost downright enjoyable as she looks forward to going and understands more about the parts of the mass. November 27th was particularly enjoyable as the school was there to celebrate Thanksgiving mass with us and we both enjoyed watching all the students in action. It brought back such wonderful elementary memories for me.
I had to capture this moment walking back from the restroom. Priceless. Anyways, since it was the day before Thanksgiving I went by my parent's to see how I could help with the chopping and dicing. Mom and I got to work and Janessa played and waited anxiously for her big surprise date with grandpa. She didn't know it but he was taking her to see Frozen. Later that evening we all met up at her Nino's house for a little apple cobbler and some gift opening. It was last minute and simple and I swear this would have been enough if the party invites hadn't already been sent out! Kendra greeted her with a boquet of balloons bigger than she is! And she was spoiled and loved on some more with presents: including her very own Mercedes, personalized plates and all! Too much, I tell you...too much.
The next day was filled with family again as we celebrated one of my most favorite holidays ever. . .more on that to come. And yesterday was the big four-year-old bonanza for our Nessa Bessa at her new favorite place: My Gym. We were blessed to have her two teachers host the party and she had a very busy two hours of fun with her closest friends. It was fun to watch her in action with so many different kids. I love the blend of our village, long-time friends, family, new friends, classmates. . .it's a beautiful array of such vastly different people coming together because we have our friendships in common. Beautiful!
I always want to remember the way Bubba practiced and performed a magic show right in the middle of the party. I love his heart for his sister and I love his creativity and enthusiasm to get up there and put on a show! It truly does take a village--and looking around at the people who were there, I was reminded of what a huge blessing it is to have people that are in the trenches of parenthood, right there beside you. The party might not have been necessary, but it was a good reason to celebrate together, for two hours, a genuinely fun time!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I came by from LMM, saw your comment there and somehow arrived here. I just wanted to let you know how beautiful is that photo of your little one embracing, I'm not sure if it's the Sacred Heart of Jesus or Immaculate Heart of Our Mother, hard to tell. It is truly precious! Love moments like that and wish you and your family many blessings this year and the year to come.


Thanks for stopping by! I would love to hear what you have to say: ) May blessings abound always!!