Saturday, December 14, 2013

Ten Days Until Christmas Eve

How in the world is it already December 14th? I don't get how the time flies so fast! We've been moving at warp speed over here with another birthday celebration, a bad back on my end, and super long hours at work for E. Yet through it all, I feel more peace about the holiday season than I have in years! I'm not sure what about it has changed, but the simplicity of the season that I've allowed myself to undertake is right on the brim of perfection. Last week I celebrated with the moms from my church. We talked about the JOY this season brings and it has helped to keep my mind focused on the fact that JOY is a choice. I choose JOY even on the hard days.
Last week I made it to a couple days of an Advent retreat that the church offered, and I think because I kept the mindset I would go if I could. . .it took the stress out of making it happen. I'm finding this approach opens me up to enJOYing the experience at hand much more than when I force things to work out just so.

 Somewhere in all that I woke up to the worst back pain I've had in a long time. It was so bad I opened the house for my book club friends and then took myself to the doctors, crying the entire way. I hadn't been in that much physical pain in a long time. I love that the doctor was so thorough ordering blood work, xrays, and ultrasounds due to my past kidney issues. And I loved that I had to just pause and work the appointments out for the good of my health. Everything else: shopping, wrapping, festivities. . .was second to figuring out what ailed me. God slowed me down to really savor the smallest things this season. Things like: tamale making, gingerbread cookie making, awards assemblies, lego building sessions, sewing with the help of E for my girl, birthday dinners, Christmas Celebrations with friends, and early morning masses where I always seem to run into someone I know. So much goodness packed right into my regular daily routine. . .bad back or not. There is just too much beauty NOT to notice.

 And then as is usual with the holidays. . .thoughts drift to loved ones lost, friends fighting for life, and the harmony of these two realizations that bring me to choose JOY. . .in ALL circumstances.
Because really, is there any other way to live?

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