Thursday, February 13, 2014

Weekly Ramblings with Aches and Breaks

While love is definitely in the air around here. . .it has taken much prep work to keep ourselves on top of Valentines and projects all the kids have due tomorrow amidst some aches and breaks.

To top that off we have a little Nessa Bessa that has croup. . . AGAIN!
Oh yeah. . .and grandma goes in for surgery in about half hour due to three breaks in her tibia and fibula right above her ankle.  Yep.  Not good.  Not good at all. . .

Yet all I can think is that God gifted me a wonderful weekend away to reflect on my role as a mom and wife. . .and I come back to this chaotic frenzy of REAL LIFE that could possibly take my focus off who He is for me and the wonderful mercies and blessings He gives me every day.  But instead, thanks largely in part to my being filled at the MomHeart Conference, I recognize the only way to get through the rough patches is to literally be solid and FOCUSED in the Word.  There's really no other way.  Apart from Him all the rest is impossible. What a gift!!  It's as if He knew I was coming home to crazy and He better equipped me to handle it.  I've still been able to pour into my kiddos.  I've still been cozying up with them to read.  I've stopped to snuggle on the couch when Janessa needs me to pause.  I still was able to get to the store to help a sick friend is ALL through Him.

The verse I've been memorizing the last two weeks is:
"the light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it."--John 1:5
 No matter what has been thrown at us or what is to come, God is our light.  He is ALL we need.

The newest one I'm working on is, "because He was full of grace and truth from Him we all received one gift after another."--John 1:16

What lessons/gifts have I been learning from the deaths we experienced in January?  From my prayers about my work situation?  From the bad thing that just happened to my mom?  From a child who is sick. . .again?  From projects that have to be completed and turned in amidst the chaos?  That it's all going to turn out okay.  God's got this and He has me in the palm of His hand carrying me through.  Jonathan's life verse plays on repeat, "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. . . " --Philipians 4:13

Leaning on these truths today as I nurse a sick little, make cookies and brownies for parties, organize a silent auction thing at the school, all the while leaning into Him and His promises.

At the end of the day my BRAVE might look very differently than yours.  But it's brave nonetheless.  Believe you can be brave today and He will make it happen. 

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