I am finding the desire to be on my phone has diminished some simply by taking Instagram away. Why did it take a giving up of something to see the error of my ways? In the car when E drives, I'm engaging in conversation now, not staring down at my device. When we're watching a movie together, I'm not tempted to sneak a peek of the life someone else is living and enjoying mine. It is obvious to me that my personality is such that social media is addictive. One Lent left me saying good-bye to Facebook and this one is figuring to be the same with Instagram. Relief.
It's not pretty to recognize a behavior that needs to be changed. It's especially hard to accept when the letting go of this said behavior feels like a loss. It's real and personal. Yuck! "No man is able to be a servant to two masters: for he will have hate for the one and love for the other, or he will keep to one and have no respect for the other. You may not be servants of God and of wealth".--Matthew 6:24
Had I become a slave to my phone? No bueno.

In the meantime, I am thankful that I knew what I needed to give up and was obedient to His request. Everything looks so much better when I'm not looking at the screen of my iphone and am instead, enjoying the life going on around me! We celebrated three birthdays last week. The boys took a desert trip for some off road fun. I got to spend some one on one time with my oldest little lady. We enjoyed tea together and listened to a message about God keeping his eye upon the sparrow. I'm noticing all of these little signs of her growing up and I'm enjoying those moments she lets me pour into her and is absolutely lovely and agreeable. Truth is, I realize it won't always be this way but I'm thankful for it now and appreciate this calm before the inevitable teenage storm.
And since I'm not living with my hand on the phone. . .I don't have a lot of pictures to post. But that's okay. I'm engraving them on my heart. Even better: )
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