Sunday, August 10, 2014

The Struggle is Real

Summer is winding down.
It has been so, so good to us.
New beginnings are right around the corner.
And it seems everyone is ready in their own ways.
However, I seem to be struggling a bit.
I'm thankful not to have a teaching job to go back to, but I'm feeling as if my writing class is direction-less at the present moment.  I have big plans for life with my T-k'er but nothing put on paper. . .yet.

Summer afforded blips in the schedule.  Lazy days meant late pick ups and drop offs weren't a big deal, only a bit inconvenient.  But now? I try to stay in the present. But it's hard. Really hard  when it feels your own kids might be getting the short end of the stick.  Those conversations are hard to hold when we try so hard to do everything so equally but they see it differently.  It's even harder when what they see and say is absolutely correct and we have no control over other people. Being obedient is hard.  The easier thing to do would be to go back to the way our life was on May 4th.

That would be easier, but it wouldn't necessarily be right.
Holding on to the hope that we are exactly where we are supposed to be.
If He takes us to it, He will get us through it.

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