Conversations across desks with inquisitive principals take place.
Email from a cousin about counseling jobs in a district that hasn't hired counselors in as long as I've had my credential, it seems.
Text messages from an acquaintance asking if I'm interested in a forty percent assignment.
A former teacher of the kids saying they may have to add a class, would I be interested?
And my answer has been the same to all these people that really don't know my life right now: I can't. Not this year. It's not the right time. . .but then I wonder. I mean really wonder: are these signs? Is God speaking to me and I'm just not getting the message? Are these opportunities I potentially might be missing out on? Or is this some kind of test to see if my faith will waver. If I will take my eyes off the Lord and sink in the ocean water? I have no idea.
I'm telling myself that God is speaking to me through these bits and pieces and showing me that there will be work for me in the outside world when the time is right. Now is truly not that time. I need to embrace the year with Nessa and quiet the outside world's expectations of what constitutes a valuable life's calling. The one I'm choosing has no pay check but it is worthy nonetheless. It's a gift.
It's so hard making the decision to be home. So hard. The opportunities will be there when you choose to go back. God will be out ahead of you with what He has next for you waiting. When it comes to God's plan, here's what I think about- Jonah. When God wanted Jonah to go to Ninevah, Jonah went to Ninevah! Even when he tried to get out of it, God made certain that Jonah did exactly what God wanted. It was the same for Abe, Moses, Paul... lived lives honoring God, and WHEN God had something specific He had in mind for them, GOD MADE SURE they did it.