The Sun will come out tomorrow. . .you're always a day away!!
My Love Bugs,
To begin with, I don't tend to have a ton of days that just catch me off guard and bring me to my knees. Today, unfortunately, was one of those days. It came with little or no warning, made me cry my eyes out, talk it out, then sit on the kitchen floor and cry some more, calling out to God to heal old wounds and bring someone I love back to him.
I'm tired of being too religious, or too much of a prude, or too whatever it is for some people in my circle. There was a verse at bible study that really stood out to me this week:
When the last days come, people will appear who make fun of you, who follow their own godless desire. . ." Jude 1:18
Of course God already knew today was coming and it was going to hit me hard, so maybe that verse was to prepare me to pull out my bible during the tear fest and lean into him and find that soft place to land. That right there is a comforting thought. The verse doesn't make it any easier to swallow when we are set apart, looked at differently because we want to walk with the Lord and honor our bodies and minds with how we choose to live. But it's what we are called to do as Christians so I say do so boldly!
It won't always be easy. Today was a hard one, kids. But it will always be worth it as we seek his kingdom as our final destination. Sigh. . .I have been praying relentlessly for someone and it is hard when it feels like my prayers are unanswered, like I'm being put off, pushed further and further away, but there is always hope, loves. Keep believing and keep the faith.
All my my love always,
"Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary."
Galatians 6:9
And then I find this gem in my inbox. God is so good to know just what I need in the form of encouragement from a mentor. . .
For God is not unjust so as to forget your work and the love which you have shown toward His name, in having ministered and in still ministering to the saints. Hebrews 6:10
"And so, somehow, many failures forgotten and discouraging moments lived through, the Life of God and the strength He gave in the face of strong winds of temptation and fear with faith lived out, became in my child, a strong work of heart that gave foundations of faith.
For it was the storms of life that prepared my children to be strong for their lives and gave them a pattern of learning how to ford the rough waters that their own lives would hold.""--Sally Clarkson
P.S. We might be in the middle of a storm, but together, with God in the lead, we will come out better for it on the other side. Everything I do, I do for you. . .xoxoxox
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