Wednesday, March 9, 2011

March 9, 2011

                     Party at Papa's with Pink Eye: Perfect.

     All week, Bubs kept wanting to go watch Star Wars at Papa's place.  For some reason, us borrowing the movie and watching it at home was not the same.  After a visit to the doctor for a pink eye prescription--because it doesn't get much better than this folks...who else meets their family deductible in less than two months?  This is a first for us--the Dr. is my new BFF.  I see him more than my best friend!  I digress. . .

     Bubs hung out with Papa while grandma did some laundry and I brought us all lunch.  When I had to go pick up his sister from school, he stayed! He spent the afternoon with Papa and thoroughly enjoyed himself.  It took a sick day to get to papa's to spend some quality time because my Papa has a life.  Most evenings he has dinner with a friend and by the time he is heading home, I am heading my brood to bed.  I'm thrilled my kids have a great grandparent to bond with just like I did and I'll get them to him any way I can because how lucky are we that he is here?!

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