Friday, May 20, 2011

May 20, 2011

Open House. . .
I love seeing what the kids have been working on!  
With two classes to visit this year, I was not disappointed!!

Insects in the garden display.
Headless son with clay insect in hand.
I love hearing him read aloud!
Thank you to our service men and women!
Singing and Spelling videos ran on the big screen.
We enjoyed their books about machines.
Have I mentioned, I have a reader on my hands?

 For not wanting to go to school, this little guy has made great progress and seems to have enjoyed kindergarten.  I think it's safe to go visit his pre-school teacher now.

Let's see what's going on in the second grade:
President Report:  Did you know Reagan was married to Sandra O'Connor?  Me neither. Research glitch.
Her autobiography where she states she loves to do research:  maybe not just extensive research?

This one's for you Bee! 
Love the Accrosstic
Her whale report and project...thank you Grandma and daddy for taking care of this!

She's quite an accomplished illustrator and author these days!
I couldn't get over all the work these kids have been doing!  They have learned so much and worked so hard this year. I'm proud of both of them and hope they always continue to work hard and do their best!

1 comment:

  1. Aww their growing up so fast!!!! Good job you guys Aunt Bee is so proud of you two=) With my luck Flat Stanley will get there today =(


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