Sunday, May 8, 2011

May 9, 2011

Last week when I wrote my mission statement, there was a question about the reference I made to reading our family bible nightly--so I thought I'd write about what we're trying to do to instill God's teachings in our kids.  Let me begin by saying that growing up I went to catholic school and most of what I learned about Jesus, religion, and/or the bible came from school.  This isn't to slam the way my parents raised us, I feel blessed that they spent what they spent on a good, solid Catholic education-- it's just that our way of teaching the kids about God is a little more  intentional--maybe because our kids go to public school.

About a year ago when discussing the option of Catholic school for my own kids, my dad paid me the highest compliment ever.  He told me they sent us to Catholic school to teach us about our faith in a way that they (my parents) could not.  He went on to commend what he saw with my husband and I--that we do teach our kids.  He said something to the effect that our kids were going to be living their faith because of the good job we were doing at home; they didn't need Catholic school for that.  I was pleased as punch to hear that--I fall short a lot, but I try--I really do!!

I believe he is right.  I have always desired to encourage and build my childrens' relationship with the Lord. Thankfully, my husband readily agrees and together we've created a couple of ways to instill Godly character traits and encourage bible reading--something that was not strongly encouraged to either of us.  All that said, we eat dinner together nightly.  When we are done, we read from this. . .

It doesn't happen every night--and we don't have a set amount to read.  Before the baby we were obviously able to read and discuss more. Some nights, it's chaotic and we rush but we try.  Key word right there--and I love this book!  It is so easy to read and has a few illustrations to draw the kids in.  Our second grader often reads for us.  I can't wait for the kindergartener to chime in next year--it will be a joy to see both active participants!!

Also, when I attended Sally Clarkson's Whole Heart Conference in February I purchased this. . .it is written by her husband, Clay.  I have it sitting on the mantle, ready to look at to decide how we can incorporate it into our devotion time to start in the fall. 

Some time ago, I came across these Godly Character Traits created by Sarah at Sarah's Sweeties.  In the beginning I had great visions of teaching a character trait and corresponding bible verse weekly.  That did not work out for me.  I was stressed, I was pushy, I wasn't being a very good model of patience, let me tell you! So now we spend two to three weeks on them--and you know what?  The kids really do seem to be retaining and practicing what they learn.  It has been a much happier household since I gave up the ideal one a week just didn't work for us.  So we do what we do when we can.
This board stares us in the face during dinner.I change it when we are ready for a new trait.

I also have this large frame hanging in the kitchen with Ann Voskamp's Joyful Parenting Tips posted to remind me of the need for grace, gratitude, and so much more so that I may truly experience my daily life.  These reminders serve to inspire me to be in the moment and truly present--for every moment He gives me is a extraordinary one lest I forget.

And then there is my prayer candle that I try to keep lit and remember to pray as I pass through the kitchen many, many times throughout the day.  
Walmart--five dollars and smells delicious!!

Sometimes I think that this intentional training with my kids is even more so for me--to constanly remind me that they see what I do, they listen to how I speak, what I say, and they model how I act. I need to be a good example--not just good enough.



  1. what a wonderful reminder. i LOVE that frame idea. there are so many times i just get too stressed and then am less patient with my kiddos. and then of course afterwards i feel terrible and defeated. i'm pretty sure i'll be making one of these for my kitchen this weekend!

  2. Thank you very much for the details! Cute chalkboard cabinets, love the idea to have DS take turns reading too, and inspired by the prayer candle!

  3. I like your prayer candle, what a great idea! In fact, I have the perfect candle for it. I got it from Zena Moon and it's called Honoring Silence, but I think she has a Prayer candle too.

    I've seen character studies on Confessions of a Homeschooler too, I can't wait to start them with my kids. :)

  4. Those are some great ideas!

  5. Thanks for sharing such real ideas- I am your newest follower!


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