Sunday, June 19, 2011

June 20, 2011

We had a great Father's Day weeknd camping with the family. . .but with over 200 pictures downloaded to go through, I decided to postpone that post for later in the week.  Besides, after some great conversation this weekend with my parents and brothers,  about growing up and more specifically memories related to my Nana, I came home where a couple things happened that I felt compelled to write about so I can remember always.

After unloading the RV, Lene and I headed to Papa's house to clean.  On the way there she asked me if she could have a bird.  My uncle's had babies and she was hoping she could bring one home.  I told her no nicely.  She dropped it.  At papa's, an hour into the cleaning his clock chirped.  He has had this clock that chirps different bird sounds hourly.  His wife, my Nana, loved birds.  She died nearly twenty years ago. The clock is a nice reminder of the animals she loved so much.  Hearing the pretty chirps I told Lene, "I couldn't have a bird because they were my Nana's favorite.  She wouldn't like to see them caged, so neither do I."

Later when I asked Lene to check the laundry, she called from outside, "Mom, come quick!"  I ran outside to see her pointing at the sky where a bunch of birds were flying in formation. "Nana must've heard us talking."
I smiled.  There had been a lot of talking this weekend about memories of my Nana.  Maybe she really had.

Fast forward two hours later.  We were home now and the kids were going with dad for a quick ride down to the lake. As I was walking to the front door, I was stopped in my tracks not by one--but by two beautiful blue birds sitting on my fence.  They were so close I could see their blue fur with soft brown fur on the tops of their heads.  Coincidence?  I don't think so.  I rushed in to get my camera but of course they were gone when I returned.  I sat around for awhile, thinking to myself I could never be a bird watcher--I'm too impatient. I could hear chirping but couldn't see anything.  I looked directly above the seat I was sitting.

This is what I saw.  The bluebird was no where to be seen, but this little bird was perched on our flag pole.
 Then it was joined by this cute little bird.  Man, how I wish I had a better lens so I could have gotten a closer shot.  Soon thereafter, Ernie came in the back door having no idea the bird hunt I had been on and said, "Come here, you gotta see this."  So I walked out the back door.  This is what I saw first.

Which means in the two short days we were gone. This was in the process of being built.
 It's kind of hard to tell, but a nest is there.  Some bird found the area in our patio above our outdoor speakers to make its little nest.  Coincidence?  Again, I don't think so.
God's given me all of these little blessings wrapped up in a very special day.
I'm thankful for the gifts.
Twenty years ago she left us but her spirit lives on in my life daily.
And now when my kids call from the yard, "Mom, Nana's here,"
I smile wider because they know her too.
They have met her and see her in the beauty of the birds in our everyday life.

". . .and He will raise you up on eagle's wings;
there you are the breath of dawn. . .
make you to shine like the sun 
and hold you in the palm of His hand."

1 comment:

  1. Coincidences are just God working, but choosing to remain silent. :) What wonderful blessings!


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