Wednesday, July 6, 2011

July 7, 2011

7 Days in 7 Pictures on  7/7 
This reminded me of the story of The Three Trees.

1.  This was my first sighting after eight hours in the RV (we were redirected due to the length of the RV) as I stretched my legs and walked around the Sequoias. 
The three trees. . .the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It was very calming to be among these gentle giants.
2.  This picture tells the story of how my son got stuck on a rock formation.  
His sister came yelling for help. Daddy saved him.  Tears and hugs followed
 3.  Yosemite had the most beautiful waterfalls. 
I had never seen anything like them in my life.  I mean look at that--amazing!  Only God.
Only God. 
4.  God's gift was a space with a view.  
The kids and adults had fun looking for crabs, starfish, and sea anemones.
5.  The metal detector entertained all the boys.  They found a grand total of fifty-one cents.

 6.  My girl became a boogie board queen.  She was in the ocean for hours practicing her new skill.  
I watched with joy.  She is an adventurer, unlike her mama. I'm so proud that she jumps in and gives new things a try!
7.  Walks on the beach, in the water, with the kids, by myself. . .my favorite place from the past to revisit. 
The beach.
Hitting the road and getting away was the best thing we could have ever done. 
We could not have planned a better trip, I tell you!  
So grateful for the time away and the memories we made in a forty foot RV.
I think part of what made the trip away so great was there wasn't so much to clean--space was limited and I was able to just sit back and relax.

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