Saturday, October 22, 2011

October 22, 2011

 Did ya'll know that the month of October is Breast Cancer Awareness month?
I must admit, this month became of much more significance almost seven years ago when my own mom was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer.
Scary. Scary times.
Fortunately, thanks to her great team of doctors but mostly God from above, today she is celebrating being seven years cancer free.
My mom became involved with a local support group while she was going through her treatment.
Every year, The Power of Pink is held to earn funds to go to their center.
 Community members knit and donate scarves for ALL women who have been touched by this horrific disease.
They even let you take one to encourage and show lover for patients that may not be there.

 Someone knit all these water bottle holders.
In pink, of course.
It has become my daughter's favorite school day accessory.
 They play games to get the crowd involved.
 The best part?  The raffled gift baskets they have that have all been donated.  
There were so many to choose from. . .
this year I gave my money to my daughter to put into the raffles because I knew I had a football game to attend.  I had been absent for the last two, so with dad working, I knew I had to step up and be there.  He was counting on it.
I digress, my daughter had twenty-five tickets to place freely wherever she wanted in whatever interested her...or whatever she thought I might like--if she thought that at all.
 She won herself two of the items that she wanted so badly.
It was hard to watch her disappointment when she didn't win--knowing she should be thankful and satisfied that she had won at all.
Difficult concept for an 8-year-old but she handled herself well in the scheme of things.
Isn't that book beautiful?  It looks great in her Paris themed bedroom!!
 There were three moments where I was bombarded my feelings of joy and thankfulness.
Three times throughout the afternoon, my name was called to win gift baskets that my daughter had chosen with such love.
I won:
a beautiful pink jewelry set, and two different baskets filled with relaxing bath goodies.
As of yet, I am not a bath person--but to know she read the words, "de-stress" and "relax," and thought this is what my mom needs...
made me feel very proud actually.
She could have spent all those tickets on herself and I would have been none the wiser.
I'm sure grandma encouraged her into the right way of thinking--but I was so surprised each time my name was called!

 These sweet things were all vying for the coveted role of wearing the most pink. . .the lady on the far right took layering to a whole new level!!
My mom and I sporting our brand new shirts given to us by my dear friend, Elizabeth.
For the month of October, a friend and her husband are selling these for $15.00 and $4 from each shirt will be donated to The City of Hope. 
You all know how important the City of Hope is to me if you remember how we took our son there this summer fearing he might need treatment there.
If you're interested in a shirt, let me know and I can get that out to you. . .
Also, for my local ten readers (smiling), if you haven't eaten here--you should!  
Tony's has generously donated ALL the food for the Power of Pink since it began many years ago!  The french dips and potato salad are delicious and I love that they support community causes close to their heart!

Breast cancer is a disease that will touch all of us in one way or another. 
We might know someone who has it,
or we might be the one someday.
Take some time today to review how to do a self check.
Make an appointment for your mammogram.
I started mine last year at 35 because of my familial history.
Don't be afraid, be proactive--
early detection is key!!

1 comment:

  1. The Power of Pink is such a Fun event for me to come together w/ many of my breast cancer friends and survivors. Tony's french dips is in Pomona;stop on by if you're in the proximity. Outstanding french dips & Love their potato salad...They are a wonderful husband/wife team that are always giving back to the community!


Thanks for stopping by! I would love to hear what you have to say: ) May blessings abound always!!