Monday, October 24, 2011

October 24, 2011

The highlight of my weekend was some one on one time with my man.
Because he had school Saturday, he got the weekend off and that has not happened in awhile.
The grandparents offered to watch the kids so we could go to dinner and a movie.
I have been dying to see Courageous since one of my mom friends from school told me about it.
My husband in his easy going nature was eager to go along even though he had never heard of it before.
We were not disappointed.
It takes courage to be a father--
The kind of father  the bible speaks of anyways.
There were tears throughout, but he best part was how the entire theater applauded loudly at the new.
That noise inspired me.
It encouraged me.
It left me with a different type of hope than even the movie did.

It seems that lately we have been drawn to films and television that have some significance.
We have come across media that screams a different message than the worldly ones we so commonly hear day in and day out on and off the big screen.
It is almost as if we have not found these movies, but they have found us.
It all began with Facing the Giants.
Being the football family we are this drew us all in on a Friday family fun night compliments of a great choice from the public library.
I loved that this was a movie the whole family could enjoy-
loved that there were pieces of God woven throughout-
loved how it was the story of all things being possible with Christ.Flywheel
was next.
The acting was not the best but again the story line was inspiring.
The Grace Card was only enjoyed by my husband and me.
The language and drama was too much for kids (my opinion), but the movie was phenomenal with a message so deep and touching both of us were in tears.
Soul Surfer and A dolphin Tale are other choices where references to God are normal. Expected. Appreciated.
I wish ALL media was that way.

But it is not.
So if you can recommend any other television series or movies that we might enjoy.
Please do tell.


  1. I agree ... nice to find your lovely blog. Loved soul surfer - amazing story.

  2. Aren't date nights the best?! You looked SO cute!
    I'm jealous you got out for dinner AND a movie! We were able to just squeeze a movie date in. ;)
    My Mom and Dad and sister all saw Courageous this weekend and they loved it! Can't wait to see it.


Thanks for stopping by! I would love to hear what you have to say: ) May blessings abound always!!