Thursday, November 17, 2011

November 18, 2011

Vacation starts right now. . .in my mind at least--
Here's a recap of our week!
I love when he showers her and brushes her hair straight.
It's not how I do it, but he does. 
And I love that.
She currently loves suckers and these glasses .
Not nearly as much as I love her though.
This television found a new home; in our home.
My husband has worked hard and waited long enough.
The End.
I was trying to take a picture of the baby in the back as I stole glimpses of her from my rear view mirror..
I crack up when I look at this because how in the world did I think it would see what my eye could see?
As my husband and brother would tease, "TWO Master's Degrees. . ."
I love Bubba's thankful list.
I will work on my own next week.
The last sentence says turtle.
He doesn't own one but apparently wants to? 
 I'm a sucker for any type of art that involves my children's hands.
Case in point.
 I love that she can still entertain herself with her stuffed animals.
She built this monkey a home in a tree in the front yard.
I could hear her sweet voice where I sat in the living room.
Grandma saved the day when it came to disguising Bubba's turkey.
It was supposed to be a family FUN homework assignment.
The day before it was due--it was not screaming FUN--until Grandma stepped in and got creative.
Bubs was so proud of "their" creation.

That my friends, is our week in review.
Big production tomorrow for Lene...she is a munchkin in, "The Wizard of Oz."
I am so excited to see her on stage--
So thankful for the week off to snuggle, craft and cook with the kids!!
Happy Friday!

Could you keep my friend and her son in prayer, please?  
Today is one of those days where prayers will be comforting.

18.  Today I am thankful for my health and a healthy family.
life rearranged


  1. You have a beautiful family!!!

    Love that your daughter has convos with stuffed animals. I was the same way. Would even have to make sure they were all "comfortable" before going to sleep.

    Great post! :o)

  2. sweet!!
    love the thankful list;)

    miss you, friend!! xo

  3. Ok, the rearview mirror pic cracked me up :) I've had so many unsuccessful attempts myself - tricky business!

  4. Heheh are her glasses on upside-down? That's too cute!


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