Sunday, February 12, 2012

February 12, 2012

The weekend weather here has been on the yucky side--
with rain and cold air, we've found ourselves secluded indoors to heal these sick kiddos. Yesterday morning was spent reading and relaxing.  Can you tell which kiddo is still the sickest?
 This one is trying to read a classic.  Her reading level and comprehension are not issues; however the school's implementation of Accelerated Reader (in my opinion) simply pushes her to read shorter, easier books so she can gain the appropriate number of points each week.  It is driving me crazy that although she loves to read, she has not read quality literature on her own simply due to its length--not giving the content a chance.  Ramona, Laura Ingalls, Betsy and Tacy. . .I grew up with these girls and I am in the process of trying to get the focus back to quality literature and not this computer/test generated reading program! It's so hard to do when what you want for your kids is a contradiction in the school systems today--sigh. 
 This would be the little one who still sounds horrible!  It might be due to the fact that she gets more medicine in her hair than her mouth.  Sigh again.  Hoping she gets better quickly--poor little thing!
Bubs is feeling better and loving reading!  The problem?  He is .3 away from where he "should" be.  Eye roll.  He does much better than I thought he would so I am fine with this--unfortunately, the school is not.  He is now participating in an after school club to "help" increase his reading level.  If he didn't want to go, I wouldn't be sending him.  Not all kids are going to fit perfectly into the square peg...or whatever that saying is.  California content standards moving kids towards perfection.  Ugh!
Moving on. . .
Aren't they the cutest couple ever?
Last night was the Father/Daughter dance and my daughter was looking forward to it all week! Unfortunately, with sick kids I didn't put a lot of forethought into what she would wear.  About an hour before, after she helped dad pick out his outfit, she showed me hers. Cringe.

I could live with the dress and legging combination.  The shoes were problematic.  She seriously had nothing in her closet that would work.  A pair of tennis shoes, fake uggs, or sandals.  Did I mention the rain?  So, coupon in hand we ran to Kohls and couldn't find any brown or tan flats that would work with her dress.  Nothing.  Call me crazy, but the pumps and wedges just don't work for me.  She's only eight--she's tall.  I don't need her looking older than she already does.  So we talked about it, chose a pair of flats and went to browse the dresses--we found this cute little dress for seven dollars!!!
They had a nice time.  I love that she was so excited to go with her daddy.  I love that we found something appropriate to wear that we both could live with.  I love that she's still our little girl.
 I would have to say they had a good time!  Daddy knows these years are short.  We pray that this one always walks in His path and is a light to the world.  God has great plans for her life--can't wait to see how He uses her!
One of Ernie's favorites to remind him of his kids. . ."It Won't be Like This for Long"


  1. No it won't. So enjoy each and every day! Even the trying, tiresome ones! My little Angie is growing up so quickly, just like you did.

    Love you,


  2. Oh my! They look so cute together. I'm glad you found a dress and shoes you both could agree on. I love A.R., but I'm really flexible with it in my class. I would never prevent a kid from reading a classic because of it. How sad. The kids in my class (when I'm working of course) love reading, love A.R., and are reading all the classics as well as new favorites. It makes me so sad when schools or teachers take A.R. to far. :(

  3. I just love the dress up father daughter pics! Great song too~


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