Thursday, March 29, 2012

March 29, 2012

It seems, yet again,  there is change on the horizon.  The time has changed, the season has changed, my attitude about controlling all those things that I can not has changed.  Everything looks different since I decided to put it in God's hands.  The flowers seem a little brighter, the birds chirp a little louder, and my heart beats rhythmically calm and peace.  It's a beautiful feeling really.

We have been home more often than not with so much time since we left our little dance competition world.  Fun is had in the back yard, the front yard, with neighborhood kids, all alone, in the tree, in a fort off the bed, doors slamming, feet running, snacks plentiful, joy contagious. . .

My side of a conversation with friends feels a little. . .one sided with no plans whatsoever, or places we have to be to report.  There are no classes or sports or extra-curricular anything that we have to answer to besides CCD and choir...and according to my kids this is enough. We have been from this place to that place, over-scheduled, over-tired, and we aren't going to do it any more.

I'm going to let this new Spring remind me that the most important memories we make will be together as a family.  I will remind myself that it's not important to do what everyone else is doing, to go where everyone else is going, to become so frazzled in the process of keeping up that there is no joy in the ordinary moments. Speaking of ordinary moments. . .I started reading a book by Katrina Kenison that was inspiring. . .but I felt like I was missing out so I began from her first book Mitten Strings from God and it has been so refreshingly rich and warm and is serving as that reminder that less is truly more.
the state, quality, or an instance of being simple.
freedom from complexity, intricacy, or division into parts: an organism of great simplicity.
absence of luxury, pretentiousness, ornament, etc.; plainness: a life of simplicity.
freedom from deceit or guile; sincerity; artlessness; naturalness: a simplicity of manner.
We have simplified life this year. We have weeded out those things that are not meaningful to focus on what is.  Anjalene loves theater--she can sign up for the next production end of May.  Bubba loves flag football--but the fall is enough for him.  He chose not to play this spring.  There is a track meet in the future.  We can train together, they don't need an afterschool program to train them.  With my decision to stay home more often, one might think of all the ways I could fill my days--with classes and cleaning and groups and so forth.  But the real reason I want to stay home?  Getting them dressed in the morning, lolly-gagging on our way to school.  Having time for Nessa to pick a dandelion for me like she has seen her brother do countless times. 

The simple acts are what I look most forward to.  Showing my love through service and affirmations because I'm not too irritated or annoyed with the busy-ness of our day to day life is what I feel most ecstatic about.  Spring has sprung. . .and like a flower blooming into its perfection, so do I continue with the transformation of my heart.


  1. beautiful, sweet friend!
    thrilled to watch this new chapter unfold.
    what a blessing.
    ALWAYS so encouraged here.
    happy thursday! xo

  2. It's so wonderful that things are going so well for you with your decision and simplifying. I'm so happy for you, for your family.


Thanks for stopping by! I would love to hear what you have to say: ) May blessings abound always!!