Tuesday, October 30, 2012

October 30, 2012

A while back we got involved in the Tech committee at our children's school.  We wanted our kids to have the likes as far as technology goes as some other schools in the district.  We decided we could sit back and complain about it, or we could get involved.  We chose the latter.  It has been a whirlwind, but this weekend the school hosted our first, "Food Truck for Tech Bucks" event.  It consisted of about eight food trucks, a play yard, bake sale, vendors selling their crafts, small businesses promoting their services, and was rounded out with a fun dose of talent!  For close to three weeks now, kids have been meeting at least twice weekly to prepare to hit the stage for their performances.

This was the first year I was in full support of Lene trying out.  It seems now, I am able to sit back and watch her creativity soar.  When a friend called her up to ask about trying out together--she agreed. It was fun to watch their work come to fruition.

She and a friend both allowed their little brother and little sister to get in on the fun.  What started out as a dance routine, soon morphed into a full on karaoke singing and dancing performance!  They had fun and it showed!  So blessed by family and friends who came out to support them and their school! Also my daughter's  friend's mom was nice enough to do their hair--Lord knows, I can take some lessons in that department!!

 It was a long day from setting up to cleaning up--Ernie didn't come home until after eleven.  Neither of us complained:  we realize this is what we do because we love our kids, we want to support their teachers, and we can!!!!  I hope this event becomes an annual one. . .even if Nessa was worn out and a crying mess towards the later afternoon.  She had fun too--all of us did, together: )
Here it is, the moment you have all been waiting for:  I proudly present: the kids singing and dancing to "Party in the U.S.A."

 From the angle I watched, I didn't get any pictures of him twirling the Hollywood sign: (

 Almost showtime and not a bit nervous.  She and the stage are good friends like that.

Memories in the making. . .and the food was pretty fantastic too!!! Here's a clip from their performance.  I'm no expert on how to do this--it's not downloading the whole song. . Enjoy what you can!

1 comment:

Thanks for stopping by! I would love to hear what you have to say: ) May blessings abound always!!