Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Around Here

The day after we received word about Devin's death, life went on as it typically does.  Lene was heading to her last field trip of the year and I was chaperoning it:  Gold Rush Days.  I was in charge of salting the creek with the gold.  It was hard to be sad when surrounded by so much energy and life but I was tired.  The long night before dampened my spirit a bit and I felt like I was there, but not really.  At least my daughter had fun, that's what matters most to me anyway.
In between the craziness of the week, Nessa Bessa started coming down with something. We went from fun days in the sun blowing bubbles to just plain old sick.  Miss big sister's play and Memorial Day barbecues kind of sick: (   Low and behold yesterday's diagnosis: pneumonia.  Poor baby.
 Our view on Monday and Tuesday was pretty much limited to this. She was so miserable she even sat thru the movie about Margaret Thatcher. That's when you know the doctor is in your immediate future.

The last play of the season is happening right now.  As much as Lene enjoys it, about this time she is ready for a break.  The required hours daily are rough on her schedule of just "being a kid."  But she loves it and I've seen so much growth with her on the stage this year.  She definitely has a gift when it comes to theater.  I just keep praying the right doors will open for her as she gets older.  For now, I miss her when she's not sitting around the dinner table. I'm extremely grateful for family and friends that go out and see her every night.  Friday night I had three handsome dates.  They may not have claimed me as theirs.  Shoulder shrug.
Open House came and went.  It's hard to be three places at once:  my open house, the play's opening night, and my kids' classrooms.  But Ernie and I tagged team and made it happen.  This memory had to be kept.  She looked so forward to the building of this project.  As is true daddy fashion, he worked the project side with her and I worked on editing her writing.  She was proud and we were happy of her effort when it was all done.
And this kid makes me smile with his cuteness and generous, caring, sensitive heart.
And his school work is pretty fantastic too!  One day, please forgive that I wasn't there to see you get your Honor Roll certificate today.  I'm sorry it made you sad: (  Proud of you,.  ALL the time son!

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