Saturday, May 24, 2014

Weekly Wanderings

Last weekend we housed guests.  We spent a lot of time together just being in the moment.  Weekend chores fell to the wayside as we enjoyed company and all the fun that came with them. Kids spent hour after hour playing in the water just being kids.  Cousins. Aunts. Pa. Barbecue. Smores. Fire. Stories.  Our family history being strengthened and built.

Monday was my last unofficial teaching day.  Due to my kid's school schedules and the fact that I can't take twenty-two days with me, I took my last two Mondays off.  I'll say my goodbyes on the last day when all my things are packed and ready for storage. I can not wait for Summer with my kids! I met up with mom and dad for a celebratory drink.  Then I went by my brothers where three former students were gathered who cheered me on for the work I did as a teacher and for the future that is wide open for exploration now.
I've been pretty excited to explore pre-k curriculum for Nessa for our homeschool adventures next year!  We officially sign our paper this week and I am excited to work with my ES to learn everything I can because this may be an avenue I hope to explore in my future.  On top of that, what an opportunity to be Nessa's teacher and build her up and instill a love for learning through books and creativity and exploration! I'm pretty excited until she has a moment that includes excessive whining and then I reconsider for a second-breathe deep and admit I'm in this for the long haul. I AM her mom. . .

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