Sunday, September 14, 2014

To the Friend. . .

To the friend who meets me for coffee on a whim and doesn't notice the state of the house. . .thank you.
To the friend who texts just the right thing at just the right time. . .thank you,
To the friend who calls and keeps calling until our lives connect. . .thank you.
To the friend who tells her bad mommy moments as a means to make me feel not so bad about mine...thank you.
To the friend who comes to the door even when the shutters are drawn and knocks anyway. . .thank you.
To the friend who keeps showing up and pouring into my life with her gifts, whatever they may be...thank you.
To the friends who hold me up when I'm too physically or emotionally tired to stand on my own. . .thank you.
To the friend who encourages me to be creative, to write, to dance, to sing and not care who is reading or watching. . .thank you!
To the friend who knows just what I need, even before I do. . .thank you.
To the friend who chooses to be silent so I can speak my heart out and who hears me. All of me.  Every word  I say. . .thank you.
To the friend who juggles it all, just like I do, who misses an appointment, or meeting, or overdue library book from time to time and admits it. . . Thank you.
To the friend who knows when to offer advice and when to just hear me. . .thank you.
To the friend who I have yet to meet, but God is working on ways to intersect our lives. . .I can't wait.

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